Video Editing & Animations

Mastering Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects

Weekly Hours: 2 + 2

Total Hours: 48

Duration: 3 Months

Course Incharge
Haris Alam
Course Description

Want to open doors to exciting career prospects in the media, advertising, marketing, and entertainment industry. This ultimate and complete MotionMagix course is specially designed for you. This course aims to provide students withthenecessary skills and knowledge to effectively utilize Adobe Premiere ProandAfterEffects for video editing and animation purposes. If you get a grasp on this softwarethere is a huge industry waiting for you to just join them and work for them. Theseskills will not only help you in getting a job but can also help you start yourownjourney as a video editor. For imaginative, energetic individuals with a keeneyefordetail and a passion for the business, video editing and animation is a wonderfulcareer choice.

What you will learn

Course Outline

Grading Criteria
Particulars Marks (%)
Quizzes 20
Class Participation/ Attendance 15
Projects 25
Final Projects 40
Total 100